Those who Worship Me, I abide in them

Gist: A devotee should surrender all actions to God, thus becoming free from good and bad results of actions and in turn attaining God Realization. Even though God is equally present in all, those who worship Him devoutly with love, they abide in God, and God too especially abides in them.

Those who Worship Me, I abide in them - Gita 9:26-29

Question: Is access to You by devotion very difficult?
God: No it is very easy. Whosoever offers Me with devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or even water, I appear in person before that devout devotee and delightfully partake of that article offered by him (Gita 9:26)

Question: What should I do?
God: Oh Arjuna, whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you bestow as a gift, whatever you do by way of penance, offer it all to Me. (Gita 9:27)

Question: What is the good that will accrue from surrendering every action to You?
God: Oh Brother, you will be free form the bondage of action yielding good and bad results and freed from them you shall attain Me. (Gita 9:28)

Question: Those who surrender every action to You, You free them from bondage. It means that You are partial to them. But those who don't surrender themselves to You, they remain in bondage. Why this partiality?
God: O brother, this is not partiality. I am equally present in all beings. There is none hateful, none dear to Me. But those who with love, devoutly worship Me, they are in Me, and I too am especially in them. (Gita 9:29).

Ram Ram

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