Ending of all desires can be called Sukh (NICE MESSAGE)

Ending of all desires can be called Sukh.As swami bruthari said in Vairagya Shatakam : "who is poor? , person who has big desires is the poorest."

"Chah gayi chinta miti manua beparvah,jinko kachu nahi chahiye,vo shahanpati shah" (He who has no desire of any kind is richer than the richest)

Why do we get sad?
when circumstances/results/outcomes are not according to our wishes/desire ,we get sad.As Bhagwan said in Gita - Building of obstruction in the way of desire, produces anger.

What should we do to get rid of sadness.
Stop desiring.

If we stop desiring how can we perform Karam?
I do not say take the path of doing nothing.
Karam are happening even when we are observed as not doing anything.
When we are sitting down,it does not mean that digestion is not happening.Even sitting down is a karam in itself.The foolishness on one to that he is the doer of a karam binds him in shackels.Plan,Do, everything properly and perform which is required/endoresed by scriptures/performed before by great men,Just take "I am doing/will do/have done" OUT.This is true in itself.I ask you are we reaaly in control anyway? If we are in control then why do we get sad/sick/loss of family/old/loss of property/death?
The fact is that we are not in control of what happens,foolishness gets us stuck and takes us to the chakra of life and death.

AS Swamiji told  one story,as  follows:
There was this Raja going with his army through a forest,he sees a Sanyasi sitting in the shadows of a tree.Raja asked Sanyasi "why didnt you salute me" to which Sanyasi answered "I donot salute my subordinate"
Raja asks in which way he is subordinate to him as he is the Raja and is in charge of his kingdom and everything that his kingdom covers and sanyasi doesnt even have proper clothes to wear.
Sanyasi - "everything you say?"
Raja - "yes"
Sanyasi -"if you are in charge of everything in your kingdom then banish all the flies from your kingdom"
Raja - "I have no power to do that and how am I your subordinate?"
sanyasi - "because I am not in control of anything,I have no desire and that makes you my subordinate."
The essence of this story is one who doesnt want anything/have no desire is actually greater than everyone.

Want to be Sukhi = stop desiring !!!!

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