Providing food and minor amounts to the needy is a routine activity ; and a Krishna-Devotee does it without looking at the qualifications of the recipients . A rich family conducted a huge "Ritual" as an offering to the Deity . Mass Feeding was done as part of the Ritual . However , a Member of that rich family pushed aside one "Begger" for not standing properly in the Queue and denied him food . Later , when the Vedic-Jyothishi was verifying the satisfaction of Deity , it was revealed to him that the Person who appeared as "Begger" was none other than the Deity ; and therefore the desired purpose of the ritual has not been fulfilled .
What Lalitaji and I meant was not the routine alms-giving stated above but "CHARITY" of a higher nature .
When a person is in deep trouble , a Krishna-Devotee would like to help him by doing "Charity" in the mode of Krishna-bhakti . Brahamasri Vazhakunnam Namboodiri was doing it . He tried to uplift that "Beggar" by instilling Krishna-bhakti in him . Such a change would have solved all his problems once for all .
Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Gita :
Gita 17.20 : " Charity should be given as a matter of duty. With this resolve, charity given with no expectation of return, at a proper place and time to a worthy person, is considered to be `sattvic' ".
Gita 9.30-31 : "Even a worst sinner , if he worships Me with true bhakti, he should be considered as virtuous ; for he has rightly decided his duty (i.e. there is nothing like devoted worship of Me) . He quickly becomes righteous and attains eternal peace. O Kaunteya, declare it boldly that , My Devotee never perishes. "
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya!! !