Refuge is Being Happy in His Will

Ram Ram

Gist: Attain God - take refuge in Him. It is the easiest - and best path. Only God is ours - no one else is ours. A true devotee has an exclusive relation with only God. Do everything for His happiness. Let everything be His Will. Relation with the world is only for service. Serve everyone. Be only God's. You are only His.

Refuge is Being Happy in His Will

Devotion (Bhakti) is the best and easiest path for the attainment of God and even in devotion 'refuge in God' (sharnagati) tops it all and is the easiest. Gita starts with refuge (Gita 2:7) and ends with refuge (Gita 18:66,73). God says take refuge in Me and I shall liberate you from all sins. Like a chaste wife - her entire life centers and depends on her husband. Even her lineage changes. Similarly, become God's. Take refuge in His Lotus feet. By doing so, our existence does not remain. Only God remains. Even the vilest of sinners are entitled to take refuge in God (Gita 9:30).

Refuge means His exclusive support, where there is no other support. (Like the chaatak bird. Like Mirabai - Only God is mine). This exclusivity is key. Serve all, but be only God's. This path is open to all and available at all times, in any situation or circumstance (whether ascetic or householder) . Only your sentiment and feeling needs to change. A true devotee has an exclusive relation with only God. Most of us accept our relation with God, but do not accept that no one else is ours. That is why we remain bound. One who has taken refuge in God has no concern with fame, praise, money, etc. No desire whatsoever. Only whatever is God's will.

Let all work be for God only (Gita 9:27). We are only concerned with His happiness. We are only His. Only acceptance is needed. I am not the world's. The world is only to serve because it is God's. I am everybody's to serve. He is the Master and I am the servant. Just say yes to His will. No desire of our own. Stay however He keeps you. Remain ever happy in His will. Refuge mean there is no want, no worry, no fear, no doubt, no sorrow. Prahlad never felt scared in the most unfavourable circumstances also. He was thrown in fire, but felt cool and unaffected in it, as He had taken refuge in God.

No effort is needed. Simply acceptance. Like a child who gets adopted by a millionaire has to make no effort to get rich, similarly become God's. No effort is needed to experience bliss - to attain God.

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