Behavior of children usually follows our own relationship

Behavior of children usually follows our own relationship with them from their childhood.
Sometimes, it stems from their immaturity, their "understanding" of their independence, or it stems from their friends or from the attitude of their spouses. Many times, it changes back to normal.

In India, we do not treat children as friends, and many times we do not even have a proper normal rapport with them. Be that as it may, you are facing this dire situation, and I empathize with you. But If you follow Vedanta, this is exactly where you should be, to fulfill the fruits of your own karmas. So, take heart. Also with no worries about the children, you can follow what your heart desires, in terms of Vedantic study, etc....

Yes, you will miss them and rapport with your grand children, if any. Whether your wife will live with your children, or follow you in your next quest, is upto you and her. I wish you both well.

You will ultimately make new friends, and reach your own life's decisions. But that which was never yours, will not be yours and that which is, will not part from you.

Do not dwell in the past. Wish them well. Bless them.
All this is easy to say, but I do feel your pain,

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