No thing is good or bad, it is the utilization that makes it good or bad

"No thing is good or bad, it is the utilization that makes it good or bad".
You know why? Because there are " no-things" at all in reality of our experience!
Put differently "we never ever experience "things", we only experience our perceptions in terms of thoughts of "things"!
Now perceptions, thoughts, conceptions are all means of knowing and then recognizing from memory/mind into a thing!
Thus, a thing is born into mind, not really "out there" external to us! They never ever say who they are!

Such KNOWING, being AWARE is the mother of all utilization of "things" which we attribute to "things" as if "things" exist independently from such KNOWING! "Things" gross or subtle arise in AWARENESS(Brahma, the creator) sustained in AWARENESS(Vishnu, the sustainer) for a while as thoughts and then dissolve in AWARENESS(Rudra, the dissolver)!
This is really the meaning of BRAHMA, VISHNU and MAHESH metaphor!
World we experience consists of AWARENESS in its purity but we paint it with our own colors, and hence it gets different utilitization for different people and thus only utilization is subject to "proper or improper"!
Thus, only utilization( relationships to objects) is our ultimate connections with apparent world, gross or subtle!
In Reality "things" in and of themselves, meaning apart from awareness of 'them", exist or not cannot be said with any certainty, But Awareness IS our experience beyond any shadow of doubt!

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