What are the senses and how are these originated?

 When a child is born, the first sense that comes out from within is weeping "Maaaa", the next sense is sucking, the next sense is watching its own hands and feet. Next is listening to others speaking, then to learn how to express by sound. Next comes the tendency of identifying its own people and surrounding environment and then the tendency of getting up. Gradually the space occupied by it gets enlarged.
In the process its intectual gets developed and it identifies itself as one of the surrounding environment. From here its ego originates.
In the actual sense, we are simple agglomeration of machinaries ( so to say our senses) like the steering, the clutch, the gear, the accelerator, the fuel tank and injecting devices. It has been very correctly said by the poet : "You do your work, peple think I am doing.. You are the driver and I am the carriage..you are the room and I am the occupant". Really speaking what we are, is nothing but the space awarded to us by virtue of our previous achievements "praravdha".
Hence, in short it comes to the conclusion that, He is the "Driver" the result of actions are depending on the quality of the machinaries occupying the space which is being driven by Him.

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