The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength

The work that can be accomplished by God's grace, can never be accomplished by our wisdom and strength. However, until you do not put your complete effort, till then the geniune prayer that takes place within, will not happen. This is because on applying your full strength and effort, when one experiences a feeling of being helpless and without any strength or power, then reliance on one's own strength, capabilities, power, abilities, effort will break off, and once this happens, geniune prayer will take place.

Buddhirvikunthataa Naath Samaaptaa mama yuktayah |

When our intellect feels overwhelmed, when our abilites, our effort fails, at such time, geniune prayer takes place, or else a subtle element of pride of our strength that remains makes one pray superficially. Such false prayer will not do. When people say that we have prayed but nothing whatsoever has happened (no effect whatsoever), then in fact, geniune prayer has not taken place ! Prayer is not something that is done, it happens from within, in other words, it happens by the Self axiomatically and automatically. If the praying is from within, then immediately the work will happen.

When there is reliance of some sort on our own strength, abilities, position, knowledge, wisdom, caste, stage in life, particular group / organization, then neither geniune prayer will take place, nor geniune surrendering to God will happen. Because as long as there is reliance on one's strength, abilities, etc., a subtle egoism persists. As long as there is egoism, geniune prayer or geniune surrendering to God will not happen. And without geniune prayer and surrendering, the work will not happen.

When one experiences a total feeling of helplessness (i.e. feeling of being without any strength or abilities), then geniune prayer and geniune refuge in the Lord will take place - "Sune ri mein ne nirbal ke bal Ram." The meaning of helplessness (without any strength whatsoever) does not mean that our body has turned weak, there is no strength in it, we become ill. Rather it mean that we are feeling a sense of hopelessness with our own strength, there remains not the slightest bit of dependency, reliance or pride of our own strength. There is feeling of complete hopelessness with regards to power of the intellect, the mind, our wealth, our body, our education etc., and there is intense and single-pointed hope in attaining only God, then the prayer will work.

From "Praarthnaa Aur Sharanagati" in Hindi pg 53-55 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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